Loyalty card
- Bor petrol d.o.o.
Cara Dušana bb
78220 Kotor Varoš
Republika Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +387 51 785 621
Email: info@borpetrol.biz
Membership form

Bor Petrol Loyalty Card is intended for all physical persons and it is our way to reward your loyalty through savings and additional benefits.
Our card is:
- Simple to use
- Without membership and issuance costs
- Providing an unlimited period of points collection
To get our card, you only need to fill in the membership form and submit it to our centre. The collection of points may begin after that.
The credit system is a system of collection of points using the Bor Petrol Loyalty Card, which provides you with a possibility to make savings already on your next shopping. Each new shopping – a new saving opportunity!
The issuer of the card is Bor Petrol d.o.o. Kotor Varoš, which keeps the right to change the roles of usage or terminates the card and membership at the Fagus Customer Club at any time, without limitations and prior notice. All persons over 18 can obtain the Bor Petrol card, upon filling in the membership form.
Every purchase in the Bor Petrol Business Centre results in the collection of points, regardless of the type of payment. Credit points are collected by purchasing all the goods from the Bor Petrol Business Centre, except for the purchase of cigarettes. Subsequent entry of points is not possible. The value of one point corresponds to 1 KM. The points collection period is not limited and points are transferred from month to another.
The more points you collect, the more savings you can make, because you move from a smaller to a higher percentage of discounts.
The thresholds and discount percentages you can earn are as follows:
1 -1000 | 1% |
1001 – 2000 | 2% |
2001 – 3000 | 3% |
Collected points cannot be replaced for money.
Please, send your pristupnicu to info@borpetrol.biz and receive your membership card at the address you stated in the membership form.
You can get all additional information with regards to the Bor Petrol Loyalty Card at the Bor Petrol Business Centre, by calling: 051 785 621 or sending an e-mail to:info@borpetrol.biz.